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Family Law

Financial and Parenting Agreements

Not all Family Law matters need to end up in court. When the parties can agree to financial arrangements and a parenting plan these can be recorded and signed so the parties have a formal record of what was agreed. At GEA Lawyers we have a great deal of experience in working with partners to formalise their agreements in a way that is amicable and non-combative.


Family or Domestic Violence

Whether you have experienced violence in a domestic or family setting or have been accused of such violence, GEA Lawyers have represented many clients in the ensuing court proceedings. Having an advocate to act on your behalf through the legal process can be of great benefit to you during a time when you have complex and disturbing emotional affairs to deal with.


Divorce Proceedings

The end of a marriage can be a heartbreaking time for some and a relief for others, ensuring that your rights and entitlements are protected is vital at this time. At GEA Lawyers we have a specialist team with vast experience in dealing with the Family Court of Australia who can guide and represent you from the beginning to the end of the divorce proceedings. The right time to speak to us is before you undertake any formal action so we can advise you of the strategy to obtain the best outcome.


Property and Financial Settlements

One of the major points of contention in the breakdown of a partnership can come with the division of property and financial assets. Making sure that you leave the relationship with everything you are entitled to is a major focus for us at GEA Lawyers when representing you in your matter.


Custody Arrangements

Making arrangements for the welfare of your children is one of the most critical parts of the separation and divorce process. The court will hold the best interests of the children as the highest priority and parties are encouraged to come to mutually agreed positions on those arrangements. Whether or not there is dispute about those arrangements, having a legal representative acting on your behalf to obtain the best outcome can be critical to ensuring the children are best protected. At GEA Lawyers our specialist team will work with you to get the best result for you and your children.

Consult with our professional lawyers today

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Phone: (+61) 2 80 658 988


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Address: Suite 201 / 7 Railway St, Chatswood NSW 2067

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